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$43,000 Exclusive discounted
Manufacturing Year:2008
Num of Previous Owners:N/A
Cylinder Capacity:2400cc
Fuel Type:Petrol
Seating Capacity:7
Car dealer information
Car dealership:浩昇汽車香港有限公司
The above car information and transactions are provided by certified dealerships or platform users. All parameters are for reference only, subject to the car inspection report. Due to real-time offline transactions affecting car inventory, cars displayed on the website may not be updated or deleted in time. For details, please contact customer service for inquiry.
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*The annual interest rate is calculated by default at 5.69%. Your personal annual interest rate will be displayed at the end of the application process. Minimum repayment period is 3 months, and the maximum repayment period is 72 months.
*The annual interest rate is calculated by default at 5.69%. Your personal annual interest rate will be displayed at the end of the application process. Minimum repayment period is 3 months, and the maximum repayment period is 72 months.
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