Search Car Across Internet
This car search subscription feature is suitable for users who are looking for cars or planning to change cars, making it convenient to find popular cars, classic cars, antique cars, and less common cars.By successfully registering the vehicle information, BuyCar will search various major used car websites in Hong Kong daily, including 28car, Facebook, Carousell, and saving the user's time in searching for cars.When there are listings that meet the criteria, BuyCar will notify the user via SMS or email.
Register for subscription
What are the advantages?
Time and Effort Saving
  • Users don't need to search for cars online manually every day. BuyCar automatically searches for cars based on the user's criteria and promptly notifies them when there are listings that match the requirements.
Searching on Multiple Websites Simultaneously
  • Every day, new cars are listed on different used car websites. BuyCar's car search covers a wide range of websites, including Buycar, 28Car, Facebook, Carousell, and other popular sites. It is more comprehensive than manual searches and ensures that no opportunities are missed.
Real-Time Notifications
  • BuyCar searches for the latest listings on different websites every day and notifies users promptly, allowing them to stay one step ahead in obtaining car information.
Controlled Notifications to Avoid Disturbance
  • Users can choose to receive notifications via SMS or email and will only receive one notification per day, allowing them to review the updates without repetitive notifications causing disturbance conveniently.
Convenient Viewing and Contacting
  • The notification page is sorted from low to high based on the updated car prices, and users can directly access the listing page to view the car information and contact the seller.
Subscription Process
1Get desired model
2Register for subscription
3Daily search across all websites
4Notify customers of suitable listings
Real Case
Suppose a user is looking for a car model: AE86
Based on a certain website's car inventory, this car appeared on the website in January 2022, December 2021, and October 2021. If the user used the BuyCar subscription feature, they would be promptly notified when this car appears, saving them the time of searching for cars every day.
TOYOTA AE86$238,000Last Updated: January 9, 2022, 19:30
TOYOTA AE86$238,000Last Updated: January 9, 2022, 19:30
TOYOTA AE86$238,000Last Updated: January 9, 2022, 19:30
Common Questions
Is the car search subscription service free for users?
Yes, it is completely free.
What is the validity period of the car search subscription?
The subscription feature is valid for 0 month and will be automatically cancelled after 0 month. If users need to, they can subscribe again.
How many cars can be searched simultaneously with the car search subscription?
A user can have a maximum of 0 subscriptions at the same time. If they cancel a subscription, they can subscribe again to search for other car models.
How to terminate the notifications if not needed?
If users no longer wish to receive notifications, they can unsubscribe at any time on the subscription management page or the daily notification page.
How to view the latest daily notifications?
Users can choose to receive daily notifications via SMS or email and can also check them in the "Subscription Management" section of the BuyCar menu.
Why is it not receiving emails even though email notifications are selected?
BuyCar sends emails through a third-party EDM service provider. It is possible that the user's email client automatically categorises the notification emails as spam. Users can check all emails, including the spam folder, to receive the notifications.
Register for subscription